Since the beginnings of the mid 1900s, the scientific field of Artificial Intelligence (AI) went through periods of intense development and drawbacks. From year 2000, however, a significant and persistent growth in AI research, development, and application can be perceived. AI research began to speed up around 2001, and then commercial products and services started permeating the market in large numbers especially since early 2010s. Within roughly a decade, AI has grown up out of the laboratories and penetrated the economy from industrial design, through manufacturing, as well as to the consumer’s services (NATO Parliamentary Assembly, 2019).
The observers and experts forecast high global economic impacts associated with the application, development, and adoption of AI over the next ten years, and a reasonable estimation put the range of AI’s economic impact to be between $ 1.49 trillion and $ 2.95 trillion in this period (Chen et al, 2016).
Artificial Intelligence are machine programs that can teach themselves by harnessing High Power Computing(HPC) and big data and eventually mimic how the human brain thinks, supports and enables nearly every sector of the modern economy. Corporations and governments are fiercely competing because whoever is the frontrunner in AI research and applications will accrue the highest profits in this fast growing market and gain a military technological edge. AI itself will not manifest just as a weapon. It is an enabler that can support a broad spectrum of technologies (Chen et al, 2016).
These technologies are starting to have a transformative effect on defence capability. AI will have digital, physical and political security implications, expanding existing threats, introducing new threats and changing the character of threats and of war. These changes could include the automation of social engineering attacks, vulnerability discovery, influence campaigns, terrorist repurposing of commercial AI systems, increased scale of attacks, and manipulation of information availability.
Artificial intelligence (AI) is a rapidly developing field of technology that is capturing the attention of commercial investors, defense intellectuals, policymakers, and international competitors alike, as evidenced by a number of recent initiatives. (Congressional Research Service Report, 2020).
On how artificial intelligence is transforming the world, West & Allen (2018) posit that AI is not a futuristic vision rather something that is here with us. It is being deployed into a variety of sectors such as finance, healthcare, criminal justice, transportation and national security which is the focus of this work. Radulov (2019) explains that it may even be possible for robots to perform basic police functions. Accordingly, if the police has high-quality computerized systems with the scope of an AI, much of their routine office work can be done by the intelligent security gadgets, resulting in new reservations being made to increase police presence in urban areas. AI can also be positioned to ensure the monitoring of video-data flows and data collected from a large number of sensors and to warn security services of suspicious activity, Radulov (2019). Similarly, AI can help companies prevent cyber-crime that can cause financial damage and harm their reputation by training it to recognize keywords or topics related to harmful content, thus stopping the potential cyber-attack (Radulov, 2019). Again, a common method of combating crime using AI is the Face Detection Technology. It is often used at airports to include mapping of human images into law enforcement database files, which allows identification of the perpetrator. Prevention of crimes of a terrorist nature through scanning of social networks to find people who can be radicalized is another activity that AI can effectively perform after appropriate training. Nowadays, some law enforcement agencies are already using social networking monitoring and analysis to prevent attempts to recruit new members of terrorist organizations such as Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS) and others like them (Radulov, 2019).
The security challenges in Nigeria are multidimensional, arising from many angles: Boko Haram, herdsmen, bandits, unknown gunmen, kidnapers, militants and separatist agitators. Solutions to the problems seem not to be near as these insurgent groups are growing in strength, capacity and sophistication. The activities of the various groups have perpetuated human sufferings, loss of lives and living in fears in the country. It looks like Nigeria is now a captured state existing at the mercy of its assailants because the governments at all levels are not doing enough. So this study, sought to find out how none human actors could be used in military operations in Kaduna state.
Chapter One: Introduction
Background of the Study
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1.1 Background of the Study
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Background of the Study
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Chapter One: Introduction
Chapter One: Introduction
1.1 Background of the Study
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Background of the Study
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